
Cross City Walks - the movie

Five years ago Andy Howlett and I undertook a bunch of walks in straight lines across Birmingham. We called them Cross City Walks and it became Our Thing for a short while.

With the anniversary coming up, Andy suggested making a film to bring together all the stuff we did into a coherent little package. I recorded my bit, then re-recorded when I realised I was totally rusty at doing video narration compared with Andy’s mellifluous tones but I think I did OK.

Enjoy Cross City Walks - a psychogeographic odysey and the origin of a friendship.

It was premiered at The Magic Cinema in Stirchley on 22 Jan 2020 and people seemed to like it, laughing at the right bits.

Andy’s always up for doing another Cross City Walk though I’m kinda over it. The idea is there for the taking if you want to give it a go and put your own spin on it. Just let us know how it goes!